Page name: Wolfs United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-19 10:32:36
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 26
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Welcome to Wolfs United!


Here is mostly a place to hang out as a wolf. (naturally) Anyways all are welcome to join, what's more interesting is that I added a twist! ^^ Each wolf has ONE magical power, it is your choice to choose what power but it can only be ONE. And it can be anything! ^^ Except to destroy everything with one blow T_T...

Ok so now that that's covered let's talk a bit about the Wolfs. There are some already made just need you to put your name up for them! ^^ If not you can make your own, try to find a picture that fits you character. We all wanna know what you look like! XD I think that's it If I missed something then I'll get it later! ^^

(These are the links to this one! ^^)

Character Info@Wolfs United
Adoptables@Wolfs United
Banners@Wolfs United
Village@Wolfs United
Training@Wolfs United
Winter Grounds@Wolfs United
Dens@Wolfs United
Pup Den
Hunter Wolfs
Wolf Soldiers
Mating@Wolfs United
Lab@Wolfs United
Crystal Valley@Wolfs United

(This is where you sign up for a position!)
Alpha Male: [Yudan333]- Darsha
Alpha Female: [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Mianah
CO-Alpha Female: [Yudan333]- Yudan

1.[GlassCasket]- Cliff
3.[Cerulean Sins]- Holtz

Soldier Wolfs:
1.[Itami Cross]- Trowa
2.[Raiyr]- Red
3.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Gar'Mak

1.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Sena
2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Metallicus
3.[Yudan333] - Nozomi, Jenet

1.[Yudan333]- Crush
2.[The Bat-Man]- Mangetsu

1.[Yudan333]- Marlean, Jenet, Starbeam
2.[Cerulean Sins]- Blayne

Ok now your asking, 0_0 Wait what about Beta and Omega? Well the thing is this pack works differently. You see the Alpha Male believes that if there is only Alpha and Pack as Ranks then their will be no stragglers in the pack, making a stronger more healthy pack. So now every member of the pack is allowed to be caretakers of the pups! ^^

1. Keep cursing to a minimum, we don't want to hear 'Fuck' ever other sentence...
2. No graphic mating...T_T HERE BUT go to mating den lol or your den!
3. Power-playing to a minimum...(thrusting back and making blood.... T.T no KILLING...)
4. Don't insult...T_T it's rude...if you do you face my Wrath -_-' You don't want to see my wrath!

Rp usual info:
[used to represent g2g or an out of character message]
used for action
"Speaking is normal..."
~what your thinking individually~ or '' instead of ~~


If you really need me contact me here:
or on yahoo messenger

To East Pack >>> Eastern Pack

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira just climbed up the trees and layed there. No wonder she never liked to be around people...she couldn't even stand being around wolves for that long...what was wrong with her? No thought taunted her. She gave up her immortality for a human whom she thought she loved and it came to bite her right in the ass.

2006-01-31 [Clive Scorch]: He stood on all three legs holding his left paw slightly elevated. He watched the pups play, a slight joy could be seen in him as his tail wagged a few times, but he stopped himself and stared intensly at the other females for a moment. After looking at all of them he simply turned around and limped off to find a place under a tree to lick his wounds.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira sighed to herself and closed her eyes. She wondered if Darsha was going to claim Yudan or let her die. Goddess knew that if she died the pack wouldn't live to see another full moon.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to Felil and she deeply wanted to help him with his wound but she didn't want to go to him in fear of being barked or snapped at. She recoiled a bit and lowers her ears. Darsha looked to Yudan carefully watching her.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira started to sing to herself. The one thing her human so called "mate" had prided in with her was her voice. He said she had talent...oh well. He wasn't around so she was able to say she sucked all she wanted. She sang a lully she learned as a was soft , soothing...and loving.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Yudan's ears flicked and listened to the soothing tone it made her woozy. Darsha watched her and the music had a small effect on him as well he looked at Yudan as if she were his own and his eyes darkened with love for her.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira closed her eyes and switched her song to that of a celtic song. The tale of a love once lost and never to be found.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Yudan at hearing the sad tune, she lowers her head over her paws and seemed to sulk. Darsha was tempted to go to her, he hesitated, something was in the air and he was on the alert. He took his stand and lifts his nose into the air.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira smelled something and went back to the pack. She saw Darsha. 'What is that?"

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Darsha sighs a bit and grins, "A bear... a adult male... standing at 7ft..." He looked to Yudan and smirks a bit, "Yudan... do the honors..." Yudan got to her feet and nods, "I'll bring it down if you wish..." Darsha shook his head, "I know you can take on a bear... just chase it off..." Yudan nods, "It shall be done..." She let her feet dig into the snow and she ran swiftly towards the scent.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: "And your going to let her go off just like that with the condition she's in?" Katira shook her head. She changed into her wolf form and chased after Yudan. "No sense in her going alone!" She darted after her.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Darsha barks at Her in deep anger, "Let her GO!... This is something I want her to do... I know she can... if she comes back badly injuried you can have my throat..."

Yudan gently pads finding the paw prints of the bear she could literally lay in its tracks they were so large. She bared her fangs and walks silently among the trees.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira stopped. She turned back and just looked at him in awe. She changed her form and walked into the woods. 'I don't need your throat Darsha. I need you to claim her as yours before she gets to badly hurt to repair." She hit a tree and punched a pretty big dent in it. She got into the woods and let out a long needed howl.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Darsha bared his fangs he hated that she disobeyed, 'interfeer and i wont claim her...' He lays back down on the rock.

Yudan saw the large brown creature and looked up at it's 7 ft. She was not tense she just watched it. The bear turned and saw her it roars in anger and faced her. It rose it's paw to strike at her. Yudan's eyes turned into a deep grey and they filled with deep sadness and weakness. The bear lowers it's paw and drops to all fours and walks to her. Yudan stood still and looked deep into the bears eyes. The bear simply sniffs her muzzle and nuzzles her muzzle with it's own. Yudan was a natural peace maker she never liked to fight and killing was something she dislik

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: "I am not going anywhere near her and threaten me again won't like me." She started to sing out her frustrations and sent an apology to Darsha. She was out of line with her come back threat.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Darsha shook off his coal black coat and relaxed. 'Do as you please, i wont stop you'

Yudan collapsed and the bear caught her and nuzzles her shoulder that had the scar on it

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira went back to Drsha at a dead run. "Get out there NOW!" She threw him off a rock and pointed in Yudan's direction.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Darsha hit the ground rather hard and was in shock. Oo; "Well OK! geish..." He shook the snow off and walks in Yudan's direction then picks up his speed.

Yudan winced lightly and whimpers, the bear seemed to hold Yudan as if it were it's own kin. Darsha stops seeing the bear and he bared his fangs and his hairs rose. The bear looked to Darsha and stood up over Yudan as if protecting her. Yudan was in a deep depression and was suffering from it. Darsha looked to the bear, he could beat it but he wanted to save Yudan in time. "Hold on Yudan..." He lashed out and rams his head into the bears forcing it back. The bear roars in pain, it's skull partly shattered in ran off.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira came running to them in her human form leaves smushed in her hands. She packed them into Yudan's wounds. 'So you still think I should have satyed behind?" She picked Yudan up and carried her back to the pack and set her down managing her wounds.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Yudan snaps at her and bit her arm bringing blood to her tongue. Her eyes a deep grey, she held her arm and her wounds healed on their own. It looked as though no harm had even been done to her. She looked up at Katira and let her arm go, and licks the blood gently.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: "Gah!" Katira jumped back holding her arm. 'Well I see your fine." She walked off into the woods to get some more mushy leaves to help with the healing.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Yudan growls, "I dont need healed..." She got up and walks away. Darsha looked back then quietly follows yudan, "Are you going to heal your wounds or do I have to..." Yudan looked at him and glares, "I was never hurt!... the bear didn't harm me at all..." Darsha looked at her, "But you.." "But nothing!... I wan't in any harm you underestimated me!" She yelled. Darsha let his anger subside, "I meant no offense..."

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira came back and looked at her. "I sent him. Don't go off yelling at him! I threw him off a rock when I saw you fall. Now take it out on the right wolf, not the wrong one."

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: Yudan glares it wasn't her buisness she was medling as she saw it, she suddenly teleported. "Yudan!" Darsha yelled. Darsha sighs and looked to Katira, "Keep watch and stay here..." He closed his eyes and disappears into the shadows.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: "I was only going to go help the bear!" She sat on the rock and just watched the pack. So much for trying to make friends. Why would she...fake something like that? Katira looked at the bite on her arm and sighed. It wasn't going to heal as quickly as she'd hoped. Oh well. She held the mushy leaves over it. Good thing she knew about plants and herbs.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: From the bushes came a rustling and bits of grey, black and white could be seen. It was a furred coat.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked at the brushes and slowly stood up. She sent a warning growl to it...whatever "it" was.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: A wolf head poked up it was a male and his body was strong and rather large. He looked to the one who made the noise and his ears lowered a bit.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Katira changed her form and took a protective walking stance and slowly creeped over to the wolf. "State your name and purpose."

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: He steps aside from the bush he looked down at Katira and he was larger than her but not as large as Darsha. He lowers his head to her kindly, "I am Crush, I am a top rank wolf in the alliance of followers of the land of Zion... I have one purpose and that is to protect, my lady..." He bows his head to her wonce more. It could be told he was some sort of military wolf but he had the scent of Human like a katagaria.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: She stepped back taking a cowering stance and slowly walked away. "They sent you? YOU?" She ran and picking up Kipper and giving a warning growl to the pack to move she hit the trees. She changed to her human form and began to climb, then jumped to this tree limb and to that one.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: He looked at her and blinks, "Miss? I do not understand what you speak of? I have only come to serve..." He looked to Her with gentle eyes.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: She was holding Kipper in a death grip and the pack was still there. "Stupid animals!" If only she was alpha...they sure as hell would listen then..."Go away...." Kipper yelped and she loosened her grip. "I don't need anyone from that horrible place."

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: He looked at her more confused than ever, "Miss I'm afraid you misunderstand me... I mean no harm to you..." He sat down in the snow looking up at her.

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: "You smell of Katagari. AND you come from Zion. I don't need you, or anyone from that horrible place. Not again."

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: He looked at her deeply, "Miss... Please I mean you no harm... I do not understand I have done nothing wrong..."

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: She looked into his eyes terror built up in them. "So your telling me they haven't taught the newly born of the escipades of old?" She slowly climbed out of the tree but still stayd hidden. She told Kipper to stay and be quiet. He had no objections. Cry just his beside another tree.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: He looked at her and gently spoke, "I know of all that you speak but why do you fear me so? I am not out to kill anyone miss..."

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: "No just to take me back to that horrible place." She fell against the tree and pulled Kipper into her lap.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: He bows in respect and stayed bowed, "My lady, forgive me I am not here to take you anywhere unless you need to be tanken. Miss I also am only here for one thing and that is to serve your every whim..."

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: She looked at him the terror turned to shock. "Stop calling me that. I haven't been called that for over 300 years." She got up and cautiously walked over still in her human form.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: He kept his head bowed low, "Then what shall I call you mi... " He stops himself. "Ma'am"

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: "Katira... And stop bowing." She walked passed him still cautious he was going to topple her and rip out her heart. She set Kipper along with the other pups knowing he would be safe. Cry just stayed in the shadows.

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: He did as she ordered and stopped bowing and stood uprigt at his tall stance as if a born soldier. "Yes miss Katira."

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: 'Please drop the miss part too and just treat me normal. I don't need Darsha asking about my past anymore then I nee dyou spilling your guts." She sat down and looked at him. "Who sent you and how the HELL did they find where I was?"

2006-01-31 [Yudan333]: He looked at her, "Mi- I mean Katira... I was sent here by my leaders Kern of the strongest alliance, he is a were and much stronger than any Katagaria... I had even fought him.. I was lucky to live... he chose me to be at his side in wars and missions... I have done my duty and have retired here... He had asked me to do a mission witch involved killing a Katigaria... and you are she... But alas... here i am unable to do such..." He looked down a bit ashamed, he had killed many before and he looked back to her gently. "I am sorry..." 

2006-01-31 [Princess Mononoke]: Tala and Tantsia started cleaning the pups. Kiche got up and ran into the forest.

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Katira just got up and walked away. Off into the woods. She knew it. Those damn wolves over there. She hollered back, "He isn't stronger then me and he knows it. He can rot in Hades."

2006-02-01 [Clive Scorch]: Felil came limping up to the new wolf and stood proudly. He walked straight up to the new wolf and stared into his eyes blankly saying in a very intense and dark voice, almost a growl, "You've killed your own kind?"

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Cry peeked out from the shadows and sighed. Jeeze men could be such idiots. That new male scared her...just like the rest of the wolves. Even the new woman..Katira.

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Katira yelled at the new wolf, 'Don't you harm him. He is "here to protect me". We will see. Just back off Felil."

2006-02-01 [DELTA 1]: blitz walked threw the forest rememberring the so called t model parasite they injected him with thats why he turned into a human once "man it was a long time since I was member of the S.T.A.R.S. assault team back when I was human

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Katira took to the trees again and just sat there. Idiots....

2006-02-01 [Princess Mononoke]: Jack had followed Kiche into the forest. No one had noticed sense Jack was almost never around. Kiche came upon Katira. "Hello." she said friendly and wagging her tail.

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Katira jumped not sensing her. "Hi." She bent down and pat the wolf on her head.

2006-02-01 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche licked her hand, happy she found somebody else.

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Katira smiled. "So what are you doing away from the safty of the pack?

2006-02-01 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche took a seat and looked up at her. "Well.... I thought I would find out what else was in our land. And maybe meet a coupld of new people."

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: "Well I am certainly not new." She laughed and climbed up the tree. "Please go back to the pack. I am in charge until Darsha and Yudan come back."

2006-02-01 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche sighs. "I dont want to go back. I'll have to pup sit!"

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Crush stood there still wondering why she seemed so upset as for the wolf that came at him he stood firm and calm, "I have killed my own kind... yes... And that is not all... I have killed- " He was cut of by Yudan who stood before him, "Pups..." Her eyes a deep silver and grey. He was a bit shaken by her just appearing.

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: ((if you are completly lost mail me and I'll fill you in... OR start your own plot at Village@Wolfs United or Training@Wolfs United

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Katira was fuming! It was rediculous! "I don't care if you have to pup sit go back!" She walked through the trees and yelled at herself in her head. This was horrible. she wanted not to be found again and look....THEY FOUND HER! Gah!

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Crush lowers her head to the wolfess before him, "Miss... I mean no offense I only have come to-" Yudan snaps at him, "I know your purpose... I have seen it..." She nuzzled his nose, "Bow no more and rise Crush... Welcome to our pack. I am Yudan." Crush nods and sat up again.

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: There was a cry from the woods. "Yudan!" Katira was furious. "He came here to kill me!" She said never mind. Obviously she wanted her dead or she wouldn't have accepted a baby killer into the pack.

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Yudan stood firm, "He isn't here to kill you... and if he attempts he knws his throat will be mine..."

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Katira sighed and looked at her. "He...he...he knows that they did and he still came here Yudan..."

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Crush looked to them, "I'm not a treat really... I just need to live life and get away from the military..." Yudan turns her head to Katira and looked at her deeply, "Trust your fellow companions... try this... for me..."

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: She just slumped down and crossed her arms over her chest. "I am not going to trust him but to you, I give you my life and loyalty. Just like Darsha." She looked away her arm still hurting from when Yudan bit her. "I am going to go see to the bear. If he follows me Yudan I will kill him without hesitation." She got up and left to find the bear.

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to Crush and sighs, "I know you mean no harm... and I see it in your future.. just give her time..." Crush looked to the wolfess and then to where Katira had left, "She is beautiful..." Yudan grins, "You should say it to her..." Crush sighs, "She would kill me of a mere compliment..."

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Cry came out and sniffed Yudan and licked her. Yudan was her only friend. Cry hid behind her away from the new wolf. "Who is he...?"

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Yudan gently smiles, "This is Crush... he is a good wolf... and man..." Crush nods to Cry genly.

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Cry peeked out. "But I heard..." She truly looked scared.

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to Cry, "You hear lies.. I tell only thr truth you know me by now..." She looked to Crush who was laying down now, his head over his paws.

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Cry came out slowly and sniffed the new male. "I am Cry...a hunter."

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Crush nods, he didn't sniff her already having her scent and not wanting to be rude, "I am crush miss Cry."

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: "'s just Cry." She turned around and went off. Katira walked up to the injured bear and getting clawed a little bit she made it known that she was not here to harm it and patched up the bears wounds. She was licked alot and just sat there holding the bear.

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Crush looked to Yudan, "Why does every wolfess demand just there name Miss Yudan..." Yudan smiles, "I'm not sure... I thank you for your kindness you may call me miss."

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: When the bear fell asleep and her being covered in blood, Katira walked to the pond and decided it was bath time. She found some leaves that could be used for shampoo and hopped into the water. She hoped none of the wolves minded her being naked in her human form. She slid into the water and just relaxed. Nothing like a cold bath...yea right. She started to sing to herself that sweet soft lully...

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Yudan went to post and watch over the others. Crush watched her take her post. He looked around and sighs a bit. He flicks an ear hearing a beautiful voice. He was then curious and walks towards it.

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: katira kept singing her lully completely happy she was in a bath. She was starting to smell pretty bad. She stopped washing and started soaking. Her song changed again to a celtic song, but this one was a soft one, one made for a new born babe.

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Crush stops at the bear and sternly smells the ground catching Katira's scent. He looked around.

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: She watched the fish in the pond and smiled. She stopped singing and dove under the water. She liked chasing fish. It was calming. She needed to reassure herself of her peacekeepr status in the pack.

2006-02-01 [Yudan333]: Crush came out looking at a lake and saw nothing, he sniffs and then looks across the lake. He walks along the bank, looking into the water but walking away from Where Katira was.

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: She came to the surface in a rush with water spilling from her long red hair. She looked around smelling something but didn't see anything. She got out of the pond and shook herself dry. she started up a tree singing to herself releaving all of her stresses. She still had the memories and they would never go away.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush took a running jump into the water, he stayed under a bit, then surfaced, he was a man. He sighs and ran his hands over his brown hair, then he looked up to the darkness of the moon and sadly looked at it, his eyes were also brown. He sighs and looked at his reflection. He was at waist deep water which showed his amazing body. He had abs, 6 of them gently formed into his body and his shoulders held up his strong chest. Then his strong biceps. He didn't quite hear Katira. But he was in pur vision of her.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira heard the splash and was on wuick alert. She hid herself in the trees and looked towards the pond. She saw a man there. Hrm...Katagaria...But...Who? She smelled the air and picked up Crush's sent. She groaned. Why did Yudan let him follow her? Did she not think that Katira wouldn't hesitate to kill him?

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush walks deeper into the water, it was as though he couldn't swim, because he stopped when it was it his neck.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira just sat there in the tree and sighed. Women...and difficult. She would have to speak with Yudan when she got back. She quietly climbed out of the tree and found something to cover herself with. She wrapped it around her body and walked to the water's edge. "So why did you come here? And don't lie. I am better at battle in the water."

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: blitz stops and wonders if we got any new wolves so he howls to see if there were any new wolves

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush turns and looked to her, he blinks a bit, he saw her slender body and blushed a bit, "Honestly i came to see if you were ok... once i heard you went to find a bear i was kinda worried... but then i heard a voice... it was so lovely i had to see to whom it belonged to..."

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: blitz stopped and turns to see a mirage of a soldier aiming at him and squeezes the trigger

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: ((hey Blitz good to have you back... If you wanna start your own plot you can at Village@Wolfs United OR Training@Wolfs United Just sugesting considering more people may join them))

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She looked away. "One of the many things that your damn leader took for granted..." She sat down and offered him a small peice of cloth to cover himself with. 'Here."

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: ok

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He slowly walks towards shore and took the cloth covering his waist down. "Thanks..." there was a large scar on his chest and it had a silver gleam to it.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "What happened?" She covered her scars as best she could.

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: *blitz was frozen* the whole time was slowed slowly the imaginary bullet got closer and closer until it hit him between the eyes

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira smelled the air and froze. "Blitz! Are youokay?!"

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: *blitz yelped when the bullet in his mind hit him and so he passed out*

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: ...Damn wolf! She ran through the woods following Blitz's sent and found him on the ground. She ran over and tried to wake him. 'Get up come on!"

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: *blitz eyes opened and he jumped up about 9 feet in the air cause she scared him* do not do that again *blitz said his heart pounding his voice shaky*

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Well dont yelp like that and let me find you passed out." She got up. "Are you okay?

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: "yea just a flash back of something I try to never remember"

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Alright. No passing out on me again okay?" She started to head back to the pond.

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: blitz followed hey im gonna ask you one thing k

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She turned around. 'Sure thing. What's up?"

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: well have you ever heard of the incident in a city called racoon city and the umbrella corp.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She thought..."No. I haven't. Sorry."

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: i forgot your a little pup you wouldnt know anything about it

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Little? What?" She laughed at him. She doubled over holding her stomach she was laughing so hard. "Darling, you really don't know anything about me..."

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: well then who are you a freakin cat

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "I wish." She bent down and patted his head. "I am well over 600 years old in human years Blitz." She scratched his ears.

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: yes well if your going to say human years then *he glowed bright white and turned into a human* im 890 years old

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Please." She giggled again and started to walk away.

2006-02-02 [DELTA 1]: blitz walked behind her "what"

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Nothing...nothing at all. I have to go back and sniff out this new comer. Stay here please. I don't want to be disturbed. But if you need me, just yell for me." She went back to the pond and stood in front of Crush.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He looked at her and smiles a bit, He ran his hands through his hair and looked to her gently, "Man gave me this scar..."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Just getting back from helping Blitz she forgot to cover she scars and then did so as best as she could. "I'm sorry."

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He shook his head, "Not at all... it's fine... but why cover your scars... are you ashamed of them..."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She looked down at all of them. Some from needles...some from knives...some from scalpuls...and others from wolves...humans...tigers...there was every kind of scar all over her body. "No..not ashamed..I just don't like them." She turned around away from him.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He smiles and gently put his hand on her shoulder and turns her to look at him. "I like them... It shows your strong..."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "I'm not strong...just fated to be this way." She looked down at the ground. "Why are you here really Crush?"

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: (anyone care to summarize?)

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: (9Crush has a crush on katira..and he is Katagari...sent to kill liking her...she is still afraid of him...)

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: (Ok... thanks!) Kiche nodded and left them there. She went walking in the woods alone and bored.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Jack followed Kiche quietly.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He looked at her look down, he ran his hand under her chin gently and rose it so he cold look deep into her eyes, "I came here for you... " He wasn't about to kill her though it was his mission... but he had fallen for this beautiful creature.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia could feel her sisters presence gone. She looked at Tala. "Kiche. Where is she?" she worried.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked away. She felt strange and needed some space. She took off her cloths and all of her scars showed. She ran to the trees and jumped up into them and she started running through the limbs from tree to tree.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Jack heard Katira up in the trees. He completely ignored her and continued following Kiche. Tantsia took off into the woods looking for Kiche. Zemon went with her. Tala was left with Amy.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush blinks a bit seeing her run of nude. He flicks an ear and turns to face a large black wolf. He stood his ground. Darsha growls, "Stranger..." He bared his fangs, suddenly he stops getting a mental from Yudan. He looked over the man and rolls his eyes, "Katagaria..." He disappears into the shadows. Crush was in awe, That was the pack alpha, he was taken away by the beasts power.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira felt at home up in the trees. She was always picked on that she should have been born a cat. "Why on earth...goddess knows I should have been dead long ago, then here comes this Katagari that is sent to kill me by my worst enimies...and he falls in love with me...GAH!" She had never felt like this before and was long gone away from the pond before she stopped out of breath. She didn't know how far she was away from the pack either, but the farther away the safer. She needed to feed. She went in the direction of town and fell to the ground walking.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Jack lost Kiche. He had followed a scent though. So he ended up right behind Katira. "Um... Hello." he said somewhat wearily. "Can you help me?" he wimpers

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She turned around and jumped. 'What are you doing way out here?! Come on let me take you back to the pack hun." She picked him up and started to run back towards the pack grounds.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush stood at the lake along now he sighs gently and removed the cloth he was given from her. He sat on the cool grass. 'Was it to soon... she thinks i am out to kill her... hell i was... but now that i arive at this place i cant help but feel different... a love for her... and that wolfess Yudan.... something about her calms me... she is like a true friend and i dont know her... i should get to know this strange wolfess...' He sighs sadly, he hadn't smiled in years, he couldn't even remember the last time he was happy.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Jack bounced up and down when he was in Katiras arms. He was having fun!

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia had come up behind Crush, followed by Zemon. She growled lowly. "who are you?"

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira brought him back to the pack and she sighed. "Please keep him safe." She walked away back into the woods and headed for town.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Jack looked back at her and howled a thanks to her. Tala ran over to Jack and licked him. "Thanks Katira." she murmered under her breath. A smile upon her face.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Latira walked farther and farther away from the wolf grounds and farther towards town. She sighed to herself. "A new wolf...feelings for me...jeeze...never thought I would see the day."

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush looked back at the wolfesses, he bowed his human head, "I am Crush... and who are you lovely looking ladies." He said as a true gentleman.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She stopped and watched Crush from the shadows. She whistled to him.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: (Lol! ROFL!!! Yudan.... Zemon is a male!) Tantsia smiled. "I am Tantsia." she lowered her head as a sign of respect. Zemon stepped up and lowered his head too. "I'm Zemon." he said proudly.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Zemon picked up the whistle and looked at Katira. He smiled and wagged his tail.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush lifted his head and looked back into the shadows. he took his wolfshape and looked back to the to Tantsia and Zemon and nods then slowly walks towards the forest.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked at him and sighed. 'Come on. I know you need to feed too."

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush slowly nods a bit and would let her lead the way.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Zemon cocked his head to the right. "Are you talking to me?" he asked. Tantsia looked at him and then looked at Katira. She smiled.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira walked away and walked towards the city. "How long have you not had your immortality?" She looked down at Crush. Somehow...she didn't worry about her nakedness when he was in his wolf form.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Zemons head lowered. He sighed and walked back to the others. Head hung low all the way. tantsia followed him.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira sent Zemon a small little message, "I will come and hang out later okay Zemon?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush thinks, "Many years... I believe it be more than 500....I cannot say much about the exact time..." He sighs keeping his head down a bit.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Zemon got the message and instantly smiled. His head came up and his tail wagging a mile a minute.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: When they got there Tala had a worried look upon her face. "Tantsia... It is time."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "It is okay to look. I don't mind...not really anyways. So, why did you start working for that horrible Lykin?" She looked forward seeing the towns lights ahead.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tala picked up jack and howled to kiche. Kiche howled back. Tala walked over to Darsha. "Thank you for your hospitality." she said with a smile on her face. "But i'm afraid it is time for me to go." and with that Tala, Jack, Kiche, and Amy left.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: His body shook a bit but then it stopped his strength holding up. He sighs deeply, "It is a long story... I was as a Wolf for a time but then I would be human.. I trained as a human and fought... then i changed to be wolf... i came across a lykin, he had saved me... but gave me a mark..." He meant his scar. "It's pure silver... i become second in command... I wanted to be able to fight both as human and wolf... and so i did both..." He looked ahead rather than at her.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She sighed. "So you went to work for him? What are you a nut case or something? The rules of our people clearly state not to intereact at all with Lykins...did you forget or something?" SHe apologized quickly. What she said was rude.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Zemon wimpered when his mother, siblings, and auntie left. He would miss them dearly. A silent tear ran down his face.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia licked his cheek. "Dont worry, they'll be back." she said trying to reasure him.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Zemon walked away and layed down next to a tree. This would be the beginning for him.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He shook his head, she had every right to be rude as he saw it, "I took a chance... and faced perhaps my death... maybe even a most horrible life... all i wanted was to become strong... and I did...." He didn't sound as satisfied as he said it.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She went into the back of a store being careful not to set off any alarms and got them some clothes. She was dressed in blue jeans and a white button up shirt. She handed him some blue jeans and a black shirt. "Well, you did indeed. You won't do it again will you?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He looked down, "I hope not... not as long as i'm not that fucking stupid again..." He sighs and changed forms and pulled on the pants and then the shirt, it was a bit tight around his large chest especially his arms. "hmm..." He removed the shirt and rips the sleves and put it on. "much better..."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She laughed a little bit. "Now for the hunt." She went out the way she came and stayed to the back allies. She waited until she found another truly evil person and she whispered to him to come there. She talked to him and got to know his name before she let him start to walk away, and she walked up to his back taking his arms and she bit into his neck taking his blood. She set him down nicely when she was done and looked to see if Crush had fed or not.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush kinda stood there as if not knowing what to do. He watched her carefully and walks down the main street he looked from man to man, he was looking through them. He saw a delectable woman but would resist. He saw a man walk into an alley. He had found his prey, he followed silently. Suddenly form the darkness was a small shriek then nothing.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San, being the nosey child she was stuck her head around the wall, she peered into the alley and watched.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She walked over and clapped. "Just don't kill him okay?" She patted him on the shoulder and then turned to walk away.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira smelled the child and walked over to her. " Hi hunny, what is your name?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush had his fangs in the mans neck deeply, he was draining the blood from him, there was blood running from the mans neck and then there was some running from Crushe's side.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira smelled the blood and led the child away from the ally.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San stopped. "I know what he is... You too." she said as she sniffed her. She smiled.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: (can I use a pic from a anime show I watch as the picture for my character?)

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush drops the man, and he reached to his side finding a steel dagger dug into him. He didn't even wince as the blood ran down his side staining his pant.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked at the girl. "And what do you think I am?"

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San smiled. "Your a Katagaria." she whispered into her ear.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: ((yes you may Princess))

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira smiled. 'Indeed I am. Who are you little one?" She walked the little girl away from the ally. "Crush are you okay?"

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: "I am San." she bowed. "I wish to go back with you. Me and my friend."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked around. "Who is your friend darling? And...why do you want to go back with us?" The scent the girl had was...odd. She smelled of a wolf...but she WAS human.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush sughs, 'Don't worry about me...' He grabs the end of the blade and forced it further into himself. His chest began to glow a glimmering silver. The steel was being sucked into his body. He relaxed and felt his body get stronger. He removes the blades handle... ther was no blade at the end.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She looked back at him kind of worried a little bit. "Are you sure your okay? I can get you some healing plants if you need them..." Okay...this was not normal. She was worried about another of her kind. How...not like her...!

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San smiled. "My friend is Mono. He is really my care taker though. He is like us!..... The reason I want to go back with you is because I want to be with my own kind. Ever sense I was 2 I wanted to live with my own kind." she said smiling.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He shook his head, 'It's not nessasary...' He tossed the blade down. his side that bled seemed to stop but not heal. He walks foward showing no signs of pain.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San smile grew when she had sensed Katiras feelings. "You like him." she says under her breath.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San looked at Crush. "I can see why." she said giggling.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono came walking down the street looking for San. He was in wolf form. but no one seemed to care. only because they all thought he was a wolf dog mix that belonged to San.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She boxed the little girl's ear. "That is for us to know and him to find out okay darling?" "You sure your okay Crush?" She looked to the little girl and took her hand. 'Well I am sure Yudan wouldn't mind having a new pup around. As for your guardian...he has to go through Darsha."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San smiled and called to Mono. The big wolf came running up. He sniffed Crush and Kitara. He ran to an alley and changed he came back and looked at san. "Now what have you gotten yourself into?" he asked.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San looked up at him. "We are going home!" she said excited.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono looked at her funny. "What? Who are these people?.... San have you been stealing again?"

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San shook her head. "Not recently. But these people are like us. They are different." she smiled.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush was silent he only nods to her as if a 'I'm fine' He sighs a bit.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira walked over to crush lifting his shirt and checking his wound. 'Don't lie to me and tell me that is nothing. Come on let's go get some medicinal plants for that." She took San's hand and lead her to the woods. "Now San, you know you can't tell anyone right? Especially where we live? And you can't get caught changing shape to you know."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono looked at the people. "Hello. I'm Mono. Has this young one stolen anything from you?"

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono looked at Kitara. "Um. Hi." he said. actually believing San.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She waved at him and continued walking. "And if you steal from me I will box your ears like no tomorrow."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San nodded. "Yes Ma'am."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Good. Come on." She led her down a path and pointed out certain trees she could remember to get back if she got lost. "Crush you alive back there?"

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